
We will follow the Utah State Core Curriculum for Pre-K. You can find it here. Both classes will have a balance between teacher directed and child directed learning. I believe in providing opportunities for children to learn through exploration and discovery. At this age, your child’s education should be about building the foundations of learning…creativity, curiosity and problem solving. These are skills that will help your child for life! While we shouldn’t be super concerned with how high a child can count or how many words they can read at this age, those skills are a bonus! Math, science, reading, writing, music, social studies, will be included in every class meeting. Just remember, a child's work IS play! It make look like your child is “just playing” but they are learning so many things!

The 3 year old class will focus on sharing, following directions, cooperative playing, fine and gross motor development, beginning handwriting, colors, shapes, recognizing and identifying the ABCs, counting, and numbers 1-10. My biggest goal at this age is to help students learn to get along and share with others.

The 4 year old class will do all the above, but in more depth. The focus on this class is getting ready for kindergarten. Throughout the year, we will learn the ABCs, sounds, rhyming, vocabulary, comprehension, beginning reading and handwriting (name, abc's and numbers). We will also learn High Frequency sight words.

Yearly Themes

September: All About Me, Apples, Fall

October: Autumn, Halloween

November: Farm, Thanksgiving

December: Holidays around the world, Christmas

January: Polar Animals, Winter, Fairy Tales

February: Friendship, Valentine’s Day, Community Helpers

March: Weather, St. Patrick’s Day

April:Spring, Garden, Earth Day, Pond

May: Space, Human Body

Here are some articles I found interesting: here, here, here, here